Ear examination


Inspection of the eardrum, during which an otomicroscope or otoendoscope is used. During the examination, the image can be enlarged from 6 to 20 times, which allows for a more accurate assessment of hard-to-examine parts of the tympanic membrane.

Impedansometry (tympanometry and examination of acoustic reflex)

During this study, information on the acoustic permeability of the middle ear and pressure in the tympanic cavity is obtained and graphically displayed.

Tonic threshold audiometry

Most often used, subjective method of hearing examination During the examination, the auditory threshold of air and bone conduction is determined for pure tones in the 125 — 8000 Hz range, the hearing threshold or the level of hearing damage is determined. With this examination, it is possible to differentiate additional sensorineural and conductive type of hearing damage.

Clearing one ear

During the procedure, the external auditory canal is cleared of epidermal masses, pus, blood clots. The procedure is performed under the control by eye or microscope using suction instruments or micro instruments.

Removal of sulfur plug in one ear

The sulfur plug is removed under the control with the naked eye or microscope using special micro instruments shaped like a hook or loop. If the sulfur has a soft consistency, it can be removed with the help of a small pump.

Opening of the ear abscess                   

This procedure is performed under local infiltrative anesthesia. The skin at the apex of the abscess is incised with a scalpel or a puncture with a needle is performed. Pus is removed with the help of a pump.

Injection of drugs into the tympanic cavity

During the procedure, in order to better visualize the anterior/posterior lower quadrant of the eardrum, through which the medication will be injected, it will be necessary to use an otomicroscope or otoendoscope. This procedure is usually performed in the treatment of acute sensorineural hearing impairment by injecting glucocorticosteroids through the tympanic membrane into the tympanic cavity.

Insertion of tampons with medications in the ear

The tampon is placed in the ear under the control of the naked eye or microscope after the manipulations are carried out in the external auditory canal or after surgical interventions. Acute external ear inflammation can also be treated in this way.

Removal of a foreign body from the ear

Foreign bodies in the external auditory canal are most often observed in the population of children under 12 years of age. Most often, a foreign body gets stuck at the site of the bone-cartilaginous joint of the external auditory canal. The foreign body is removed from the external auditory  canal, under the control of the microscope with the help of micro instruments.

Blowing through the auditory tube according to Politzer (Politzer balloon)

This is one of the studies of the function of the auditory tube. During the examination, one nostril of the nose is clamped, and the tip of the Politzer balloon is attached to the other. The balloon is compressed and pressure is exerted in the nasopharynx. This is how the auditory tube is opened – the eardrum is moved and the patient feels cracking in the ears.

Blowing through the auditory tube according to Politzer (automatic pump)

The study differs from blow-through with the Politzer balloon, since an automatic pump is used instead of a mechanical pump.

Catheter blow-through of the auditory tube

During this study, the auditory tube is opened by inserting a special catheter through the nose and inserting it into the nasopharyngeal opening of the auditory tube. The pressure is created by the Politzer balloon.

Puncture of the eardrum (myringotomy/paracentesis)

The procedure is performed under local superficial and infiltrative anesthesia under the control of a microscope or endoscope. The drum is punctured with a micro knife and the contents of the drum cavity are sucked out with a pump. At the same time, a bacteriological sample can be taken to determine the causative agent of infection. After cleaning the tympanic cavity, a solution of medicines — antibiotic and corticosteroid is injected into it. The external auditory canal is tamped with a cotton swab. After the procedure, it is recommended to protect the ear from water.

This procedure is performed in the presence of severe and medicamentous uncontrolled ear pain with an inflated tympanic membrane, with ineffective antibiotic therapy in purulent inner ear inflammation, with suspicion of otogenic complications. In acute bullous myringitis, only the superficial layer of the tympanic membrane is cut.

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