Consults children and adults with acute and chronic ear, nose and throat diseases. Performs diagnostic and therapeutic otorhinolaryngological procedures. Areas of interest – rhinology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

M.D., Lithuanian University of Healt Sciences, 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania
- Licensed physician, 2017 – present
- Licensed otorhinolaryngologist, 2020 – present
- Internship: Alytus district “S. Kudirkos” hospital, Alytus, Lithuania, 2016 – 2017
- Residency: Otorhinolaryngology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Clinics; Oncology Hospital; Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2017 – 2020.
- ENT and Emergency department, Republic Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018
- Observership: Department of Facial Plastic Surgery, Marienhospital, Stuttgart, Germany, 2019
- „Nose SMAS Flap in Aesthetic Rhinoplasty“ – Congress of Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kaunas, Lithuania 2018
- Reconstructive Surgery of the Nose: case report“ – Nonsurgical treatment, tissue fillers and injections, Klaipeda, Lithuania 2019
- Žemaitaitis M, Baranauskas G, Padervinskis E. Deep space neck infection. Medical Sciences 2020(8);14:9-13
- Baranauskas G, Pribuišienė R. Globus pharyngeus. Otorinolaringologijos aktualijos 2020(1);25:31-35
- Endoscopic ear and lateral skull base surgery (Kaunas, Lietuva, 2017)
- Endoscopic sinuses and anterior skull base surgery (Kaunas, Lietuva, 2017)
- Congress of Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive surgery (Kaunas, Lietuva, 2018)
- 8th Annual Meeting of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (Stuttgart, Germany, 2019)
- 27th Stuttgart Advanced Course for Rhinoplasty (Stuttgart, Germany, 2019)
- Dallas Rhinoplasty Virtual Meeting 2021
- Dallas Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine Virtual Meeting 2021
- 28th Stuttgart Advanced Course for Rhinoplasty 2021
- Difficult Airway Management Course – Hybrid Lab, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2018
- Anatomical Dissection Course – NOSE (Tubingen, Germany, 2019)
- Principles of Neck Dissection – Course, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2020
- Urgent Care in Otorhinolaryngology – Course, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2020
- Weill Cornell OMInar in Otolaryngology 2021
- Society of Otorhinolaryngologists of Kaunas
- Lithuanian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists
- European Rhinologic Society junior member
- Rhinoplasty Society of Europe
- Association of ENT Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Fil! Corporation of medical students and doctors Korp! Fraternitas Lituanica et Patria
- Lithuanian scouting, sea scouts